Art of Non-Violent Relations
Why it matters?
Prevention of violence, both experienced and applied, is one of the most relevant problems in connection with teens and youths all over the world. However, the worldwide level of violence remains high.

That’s why nowadays we should probably talk to teens and youths not only about violence, but also about non-violence.

What is non-violence? It’s our values and how we express them in our choices and actions. Such non-violent choices and actions may empower violence prevention at every level: in relations with ourselves, with others, with the world.

Is non-violence possible for the modern world? Sure, it is.
‘Cause if we speak about our values, choices and actions, then non-violence is within us. It means that everyone may master the art of non-violent relations.
This video course helps
To answer the questions
what is violence? how to recognize it? and what to do next?
To acquire skills
of social emotional intelligence
for one’s safety
To get along
with one’s aggressive feelings affirmatively

To involve teens and youths
into your prevention activity
To become a role model
into your prevention activity
This video course contains
Methods and tools to develop one’s social emotional intelligence
Highlights of interacting with teens and youths
Methodological and informational materials you may take and implement
This video course is for
  • NGOs professionals
  • Professionals who work with teens and youths
  • Professionals who deal with the problem of abuse and violence
  • Anyone who wants to empower non-violence in oneself
The video course program
  • What is “Art of Non-Violent Relations” program, and how it appeared
  • How non-violence relates to emotional intelligence
  • What this video course is about, and how to use it
  • How to perceive one’s feelings and emotions
  • How to involve music therapy
  • How to work with metaphors and associations
  • How social theater helps to develop emotional intelligence
  • Playback Theater tools
  • “Listening Hour” technique
  • How to get along with our aggressive feelings affirmatively
  • How to work with our mindsets and approaches to communication
  • How we involve breathing and bodily practice
  • Legal conscience and emotional intelligence
  • Documentary Theater performance as a tool to work with legal conscience
  • Forum Theater as a tool to prevent violence
  • Two live action games about bullying and dating violence
  • What to keep in mind to work with a teen group
  • How to track the progress and to encourage the participants
About the program
“Art of Non-Violent Relations” program was created and tested in 2020 by the team of an international non-commercial, non-government project of professional volunteering “Knowledge Can Stop Gender-Based Violence”.

“Art of Non-Violent Relations” program combines international expertise on how to prevent violence and empower non-violent values. It includes methods, tools and practices that proved to be effective with teen groups.

Also, the program may help anyone, regardless his or her gender, age, expertise or residence, to master the art of non-violent relations and to practice it in everyday life.
“Art of Non-Violent Relations” team
  • Anastasia Babicheva
    NGO professional with 15 years of expertise, social consultant, safe communication trainer, author of programs and courses, leader of “Knowledge Can Stop Gender-Based Violence” project.
  • Natalia Klochkova
    Psychologist, family consultant, trainer. Associated trainer of Central School of Playback Theatre. Art director of “Simply Together / Prosto Vmeste” playback theatre in Samara, Russia. “Knowledge Can Stop Gender-Based Violence” consultant
  • Stella Loshchinina
    Private psychologist, specialized in crisis assistance, “Knowledge Can Stop Gender-Based Violence” consultant.
  • Anastasia Polyaeva
    Psychologist, “Knowledge Can Stop Gender-Based Violence” consultant.
  • Svetlana Chernova
    Lawyer with more than 15 years of expertise and more than 10 years of gender based violence expertise, “Knowledge Can Stop Gender-Based Violence” consultant.
Specials thanks to pro-bono interpreters
Polina Dorozhkova, Natalia Vdovina, Aleksandra Mishina, Narmin Isaeva and Shushana Manakhimova
for their kind contribution into having all the additional materials interpreted into English
To contact us
  • ask questions about “Art of Non-Violent Relations” program or about this video course
  • discuss partnership
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